THOTCON is a hacking conference based in Chicago IL, USA. This is a non-profit, non-commercial event looking to provide the best conference possible on a ...
Beim Hacken Open Air 2022 geht es um gemeinsames Basteln, Diskutieren und Grillen. Wir verzichten bewusst auf ein von uns organisiertes Vortragsprogramm. ...
Lange Gespräche am Lagerfeuer, Hacken im Wald, Siebdrucken, Musikhören unterm Sternenhimmel, Zelten und mehr. Habt ihr auch so große Sehnsucht nach tollen ...
DEF CON 30 will be a semi-hybrid event this year, we will give hackers a choice in how they wish to experience DEF CON but we are returning at full operating ...
BornHack 2022 will be the seventh BornHack. It will take place from Wednesday the 3rd of August to Wednesday the 10th of August 2022 at our venue on the Danish ...
MCH2022 is a nonprofit outdoor hacker camp taking place in Zeewolde, the Netherlands, July 22 to 26 2022. The event is organized for and by volunteers from and ...
7/22/22 | DIY on the music stage |
7/22/22 | Jam session: Music Created by Hackers |
7/22/22 | ⚠️ May Contain Hackers 2022 Opening |
More than a hackathon, the Hack in the Woods is the first festival for developers in Europe! During 4 days, come and code for a better world for renowned NGO's, ...
Electromagnetic Field is a non-profit UK camping festival for those with an inquisitive mind or an interest in making things: hackers, artists, geeks, crafters, ...
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from ...
2/5/22 | The Virtual FOSDEM Infodesk (Saturday) |
2/5/22 | Welcome to FOSDEM 2022 |
2/5/22 | Welcome to the Box86 stand |
THOTCON ist eine amerikanische Hackerkonferenz, die jedes Jahr in Chicago an einem anderen streng geheimen Ort stattfindet. Es handelt sich um eine ...
Die DEFCON ist die größte Untergrund-Hacking-Konferenz der Welt. Hacker, IT-Profis aus Unternehmen und Regierungsbehörden treffen sich jeden Sommer in Las ...
Konferenz zur Informationssicherheit mit Black Hat Briefings und Black Hat Trainings. Die Veranstaltung wird komplett virtuell sein.
FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from ...
2/6/21 | The Virtual FOSDEM Infodesk (Saturday) |
2/6/21 | Welcome to FOSDEM 2021 |
2/6/21 | Welcome to Mautic - Open Source Marketing Automation |