Feb 6, 2021 – Feb 7, 2021 February 6, 2021 – February 7, 2021
Virtual location

FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Every year, thousands of developers of free and open source software from all over the world gather at the event in Brussels. In 2021, they will gather online. FOSDEM is free to attend. There is no registration. Just turn up! The conference is primarily funded by sponsors and the sale of t-shirts but we also gratefully accept donations.

FOSDEM offers open source and free software developers a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event brings together some 8000+ geeks from all over the world. Developer rooms are assigned to self-organising groups to work together on open source and free software projects, to discuss topics relevant to a broader subset of the community, etc. Most content should take the form of presentations. Proposals involving collaboration across project or domain boundaries are strongly encouraged.

We are creating an online platform (including streaming and chat) allowing devroom organizers to run the conference primarily using pre-recorded talks with some live content including Q&A sessions and discussion panels, with streaming and archiving. The recordings will be published under the same licence as all FOSDEM content (CC-BY). Note that the demand for devrooms may exceed the supply - even for an online event!

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