
Loui Beton

Kemistry Lounge
This newborn monniker allows a Berlin-based devil of a fellow to appear cleared from what he is usually known for. Therefore we will keep the secret, suffice it to say: he is happily exploring the harder, darker domains rather than ruling the sunset floors as we have seen him doing in places as Garbicz festival. Experts of the scene may a find a hint in the URL below.

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Type djset
Language English

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Rockmore Booth
Kemistry Lounge
In Songs from my analogue utopia I explore the self-organizing coordination dynamics of analog oscillators and the Utopian potentials of analogue communication. In analogue communication synchronization results from the mutual interaction of two or more processes, not a single process is dominating the other. It is in the mutuality where I see the Utopian potential of analogue communication. I undertake this exploration on the screen of an overhead projector where I place little motors driven by ...
Kemistry Lounge
Fusion, Garbicz, CCC, Hamburg, Berlin, die Welt, ...
Kemistry Lounge
DJ Bosch aka Tobias is resident DJ at Multisex party happening at Ohm/Berlin. The Multisex party promotes clarity on the dance floor along with diverse music. Depending on the booking, they create different dancing moods with classy tunes that craft a pure and effective house, disco and techno sound. Multisex is an attempt to encourage non-verbal communication on the dance floor. The goal is to get people together while dancing free. Besides that Tobias is doing the lights here at the CCC Lounge ...
Kemistry Lounge
brick habe ich schon öfter auflegen erlebt als alle anderen Techno DJs. Das kommt daher weil ich Techno eigentlich noch nie besonders spannend fand. Zu kalt, zu monoton, zu sehr seiner reinen Funktionalität zugewandt. brick erfindet Techno nicht neu, aber er präsentiert ihn in einem wohl überlegten und angenehm temperierten Gewand. (Rudolf Mooshammer 2019 koloriert)
Rockmore Booth
Berlin-based artist AEX delivers complex and catching ambient spheres. From warm and melodic explorations via a rather technical approach to darker layers of machine music, occasionally enriched by her voice, this young live act blends a dense weave of soundscapes, beats and repetitive bleeps. She has quite a special connection to the CCC: at the age of 15, her father took her to the congress in Hamburg, where she discovered her passion for technical informatics in which she dived deeply ...
Rockmore Booth
Seinen Freunden ist Marcus Kestner unter vielen Namen bekannt. Einer davon ist „Der Schrauber“, der nicht nur von seinen Skills in Sachen Technik und Handwerk herrührt, sondern auch von seiner Art der Musikproduktion. Seit kurzem veröffentlicht er jedoch unter seinem neuem Pseudonym Kaubl und spielt auch die ein oder andere Platte aus der Sammlung dem geneigten Publikum vor.