Type | devroom |
2/2/20 |
For embedded developers using alternative programming languages, but also for anyone using third party driver frameworks such as libopencm3, one of the main pain points to start using a microcontroller is to make a Board Support Package. Things like linker script or startup code (crt0) not only require skills, but also information that are not always easily accessible. In this talk we will present a tool that generates linker script, startup code, and low level hardware binding for 3000 ARM ...
2/2/20 |
An approach to challenges of an on-FPGA debugging of IP cores based on free software tools is demonstrated. Various aspects and related problems of an on-hardware debugging are presented along with the tools to address them, such as OpenOCD, sigrok/PulseView, GHDL, etc. Real-life working configuration and missing bits of software are accompanied by the live debug session demo running on Open-source Hardware.
2/2/20 |
We talked extensively about LinuxBoot, a Linux-based environment intended to be integrated into the firmware on the boot ROM. This time we want to talk about how do we test LinuxBoot before it goes to production. We will talk about ConTest, an open-source continuous and on-demand system testing framework that we designed to be modular, validating, and infrastructure-agnostic, and how it is helping us validate open source firmware on our datacenter platforms.
2/2/20 |
Want to run Linux with RISC-V on Open Source Hardware? This talk will explore the current options including how open source FPGA tools can be leveraged to build open Linux-capable systems.
2/2/20 |
The Taiwanese company Padauk makes small 8-bit microcontrollers, the smallest of which are available at 0.01 € even in small quantities. Even the larger ones are just a few cents; a particularly interestign feature is the hardware multithreading support available in larger devices. Until recently, the only available toolchain was Padauk's non-free toolchain based around their "MINI-C" IDE (which despite, the name, ist just a bit of C-like syntactic sugar coating for assembler, and in no way a ...
2/2/20 |
The presentation is about AMD's involvement in coreboot evolution and development. Gives a high-level overview of the engagement of the silicon vendor in the coreboot project history. The presentation may contain a little bit of technical aspects of firmware and BIOS. However, the intended audience is not only firmware and BIOS developers, but also free and libre hardware enthusiasts too. If anybody is interested in the future of famous platforms like Asus KGPE-D16, Lenovo G505S, PC Engines ...
2/2/20 |
Olimex is designing Open Source Hardware Linux computers since 2012. They are adopted by hundreds of manufacturers all around the world and prove the Open Source business model is sustainable. The lecture is about the advantages which OSHW bring to the industrial vendors and what drives their decision to use our boards. We will explain the benefits for the SOC vendors to have OSHW designs with their ICs, the end user benefits and how OSHW helps us to excel our products and make them better and ...