What You Say is What You Get: Hands-Free Coding in 2023

Wolfram Wingerath
Software for interpreting and synthesizing natural language is used by millions of people every day who use smart home assistants or simply prefer dictating over typing on their mobile phones. But while hands-free interfaces have found widespread adoption among consumers, IT professionals still mostly consider them gimmicks or do not consider them at all for the purpose of software development – unjustly so! In this presentation, you will learn how to talk your computer into writing good software. We will start with basic controls and navigation before addressing how to code using just your voice (and eyes and facial expressions and more!), covering best practices and common pitfalls along the way. I will then share my personal experiences as a user, but also relate them to ongoing research and current developments in the industry. The talk will close with recommendations for getting started and a zero-cost setup for hands-free coding that you can use right away.

Additional information

Type Vortrag (45min) + Q&A (15min)
Language German

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