Type | devroom |
2/1/20 |
Welcome to the Ada Developer Room at FOSDEM 2020, which is organized by Ada-Belgium in cooperation with Ada-Europe.
2/1/20 |
In the Ada world, we are surrounded by impressive and professional tools that can handle large and complex projects. Did you ever dream of a tiny, incomplete but compatible system to play with? Are you too impatient, when developing small pieces of code, for long compile-bind-link-run cycles? Are you a beginner intimidated by project files and sophisticated tools? Then HAC (the HAC Ada Compiler, or the Hello-world Ada Compiler) is for you.
2/1/20 |
This talk describes how performance aspects of a big Air Traffic Flow Management mission critical application are tracked from development to operations.
2/1/20 |
Last year I presented Cappulada, a C binding generator for Ada that intended to overcome the shortcomings of existing solutions and to provide usable bindings even for complex C code. This year I want to show our conclusions on why automatic bindings between C and Ada are hard (if not impossible) and where existing solutions (including our own) fail.
2/1/20 |
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is one of the chief frameworks for service robotics research and development. The next iteration of this framework, ROS2, aims to improve critical shortcomings of its predecessor like deterministic memory allocation and real-time characteristics. RCLAda is a binding to the ROS2 framework that enables the programming of ROS2 nodes in pure Ada with seamless integration into the ROS2 workflow.
2/1/20 |
Ada incorporates in its standard a model for distributed execution. It is an abstract model that does not depend on a particular kind of network or any other communication mean, and that preserves full typing control across partitions. This presentation briefly exposes the principles of Ada's distribution model, then shows the possibilities with life demos across different machines and operating systems.
2/1/20 |
Tasks in Ada are effective to speed up computations on multicore processors. In writing parallel programs we determine the granularity of the parallelism with respect to the memory management. We have to decide on the size of each job, the mapping of the jobs to the tasks, and on the location of the input and output data for each job. A multitasked Newton's method will show the effectiveness of Ada to speed up the computation of power series. This application belongs to the free and open source ...