
Ego-centric to Eco-centric: An exploration of two possible futures

Lightning Box 2
Hadas Zucker
The transition from our extractive society to a regenerative one is a systems-wide shift away from such ego-centrism and toward eco-centrism. Come with us to explore two different possible futures. We are here to bring change-agents from PwC to the fore, and reimagine our relationship with nature and economy.
You are not the most important thing on this planet. Ouch. But you would be forgiven for thinking it, given our social and economic structures are so designed to place you - the human - right at the centre. At the heart of the transition from our extractive society to a regenerative one, is a systems-wide shift away from such ego-centrism and toward eco-centrism. It’s not going to be easy. Come with us to explore two different possible futures: one where we continue on our path of rising individualism, consumerism and environmental extraction, and another where we lean into renewed relationships with nature, new models of collectivism and inclusive, circular economies.

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Type Lightning Talk
Language English

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