Web Performance

Hint, Hint, Font Loading Matters!

Fonts are lovely but can slow down our loads. How can we make them faster?
H.1309 (Van Rijn)
Sia Karamalegos
We all love fonts. From Google Fonts to Typekit, Hoefler&Co and more, they give character and tone to our websites. The down side of fonts is that they can really slow down our loads. In this talk we'll learn about common pitfalls like critical requests depth and how to use resource hints to play tricks with latency to load web applications faster. We'll walk through a network profile to understand what's going on in the browser and how to make it faster.

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H.1309 (Van Rijn)
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H.1309 (Van Rijn)
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Web Performance
Nicolás Peña Moreno
H.1309 (Van Rijn)
Adding new web performance APIs to the web is a complex process. In this talk, I'll go over the steps we went through to ship the Element Timing API in Chromium, which enables measuring rendering timing of image and text content. You'll learn about the process to ship an API exposing performance information to web developers. There were many steps involved in the process: engaging with developers and other browser vendors, brainstorming, privacy and security reviews, Origin Trials, posting an ...
Web Performance
H.1309 (Van Rijn)
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