Glitching C3 - Creative Writing Experiment

Stonewall IO
Being back at C3 in the flesh, it's time to honor our glitches and chase some utopian fever dreams! Creative writing workshop to explore the glitchiness of Congress and the promises these cracks in the machine might hold. We will draw inspiration from Legacy Russell's Glitch Feminist Manifesto to write flash fiction on non-conforming niches in the daily grind of geekdom. Workshop in English, but you can write in any language (or code) you like, no writing experience needed. Haecksen and all allied creatures welcome.
Being back at C3 in the flesh, it's time to honor our glitches and chase some utopian fever dreams! Creative writing workshop to explore the glitchiness of Congress and the promises these cracks in the machine might hold. We will draw inspiration from Legacy Russell's Glitch Feminist Manifesto to write flash fiction on non-conforming niches in the daily grind of geekdom. Workshop in English, but you can write in any language (or code) you like, no writing experience needed. Haecksen and all allied creatures welcome. "Glitch Feminism (...) embraces the causality of “error”, and turns the gloomy implication of glitch on its ear by acknowledging that an error in a social system that has already been disturbed by economic, racial, social, sexual, and cultural stratification and the imperialist wrecking-ball of globalization (...) may not, in fact, be an error at all, but rather a much-needed erratum. This glitch is a correction to the “machine”, and, in turn, a positive departure." (Legacy Russell 2012: Glitch Feminist Manifesto)

Additional information

Type Workshop
Language English

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Stonewall IO
Wusstet Ihr, dass es möglich ist, QR-Codes ohne Computer zu lesen? Wir geben einen Einblick in die Funktiosweise von QR-Codes und zeigen Eselsbrücken und Hilfsmittel zum Entschlüsseln ohne Computer oder Smartphone.
Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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