Getting started with Monero

CDC Pentagon
This is a monero-beginner-friendly workshop for nerds, bring your computer to follow along and by the end you will have a monero wallet in your terminal and understand how to use it.
Speaker: AlexAnarcho A wallet is the basic building block of any cryptocurrency. For beginners, holding your own keys may be a new concept - and it requires some understanding of what the software is and how to use it. Moreover, the space of crypto is filled with scams and downloading a malicious wallet software can lead to losing all coins. To ease the onboarding, I'll go into some basics for Monero-beginners: Where to find good information, how to install a wallet and initialize it & how to connect to a remote note - or maybe even run your own? In the later part of the workshop we can also cover how to build on the corner stone of the monero wallet. Maybe implement a payment solution ourselves with some simple code? The possibilities are bountiful and best of all: You have to ask nobody for permission to get started. As this is a workshop, the session is interactive and questions are encouraged.

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Type other
Language English

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