Sharing Shells - Using tmux to take care of servers collectively

Learn how you can use `tmux` to take care of servers together with your friends!
We are a feminist server collective and take care of infrastructure for other groups - like their websites, email or mailinglists. Much of this work happens on the command line - in a so-called "shell" - and this is often a very lonely place. In our talk, we'd like to show you how we do this together, even though we are in different physical places. We are using the simple tool `tmux`. It helps us in working together as if we are sitting next to each other and looking at the same screen. We have the same view into things, and can easily take turns with typing. And `tmux` has even more advantages - among other things, it remembers our session until the next meeting two weeks later! In our talk, we want to show how you can use `tmux` - for instance, if you are also taking care of servers and want to do this together with others. The talk is based on our zine about the topic, and we will bring paper copies of it:

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Live Stream
Type Educational (15min + 5 Q&A)
Language English

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