Let’s spark children’s interest in coding

Stage YELL
anaghz (she / Her)
How can we spark children's interest in coding and tinkering. In this talk we will present the ongoing activities of the Free Software Foundation Europe to get the next generation of Haecksen and Hackers interested in tech, with a focus on diversity.
Today it is impossible to imagine daily life without software. The majority of us can’t spend a single day without using it. People use software in the workplace, on laptops, and on mobile phones. Software is also found in less obvious places however: in trains, cars, televisions, washing-machines, fridges, and many other devices. None of these devices could function without software. Without software we couldn’t write e-mails, make phone calls, go shopping, or travel as we are accustomed to. Software is our society’s central tool. How do we ensure that the next generation is motivated and capable of shaping technology for society’s benefits? The Free Software Foundation Europe’s volunteers and staff have interacted with over 1700 children between 6 to 10 years in the past months. Children, especially girls, afterwards were motivated to start experimenting with hardware and software. In the discussions we saw that they realise how crucial technology will be for them. The story of Ada made it into a war hospital with children with disability that felt identified with it as one of the book characters has a 3D printed leg. Furthermore with the FSFE’s coding competition “Youth Hacking 4 Freedom” we gathered experiences working with teenagers who program, tinker, and have fun with software. YH4F has also been a place for diversity during its first three editions. Learn more about the experiences how the FSFE sparks children’s and teenagers interest to tinker, experiment and program. Furthermore you will see how fulfilling those activities can be for yourself.

Additional information

Live Stream https://streaming.media.ccc.de/38c3/yell
Type Talk 40 (30min +10 Q&A)
Language English

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