
Do not try this at home - rope access for nerds

Rope access / Rope rescue stuff for nerds. We will learn how to navigate structures, hoist loads, load stretchers and carry entities.
Climbing on, under, around structures is challenging. Safety is paramount. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Bring your own gear, we will also provide a big box'o'stuffs. We might drop a banner or two somewhere for the lulz. Previous climbing experience good, but not necessary. This workshop will be longer than announced in the calendar, you can drop in/out at any time and we will not be restricted to a room. Depending on demand, we will repeat/train more over the course of the GPN. Starting point will probably be under the staircase to the right of the Info, providing ample skyhooks to start teaching movements and gear handling at a manageable height. **No reservation needed!**

Additional information

Type Workshop
Language German

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