Let's make some (logical) noise: why Bossa Nova equals XOR

Chaos Computer Music Club
lytex (he/him)
In this talk we will explore the intersection between electronic signals and music by making some noise with [Klangorium](https://hackaday.io/project/6540-logic-noise-klangorium), an open hardware learning project / synth by Elliot Williams which uses both analogical and digital electronics. We will learn how do square, triangle and sawtooth waves sound like, the interrelatedness of (poly)rhythm and pitch, and of course, why Bossa Nova *is* an XOR gate.
### Some resources: - [Klangorium Github repository](https://github.com/hexagon5un/klangorium) - [Klangorium / Logic Noise posts at Hackaday, by Elliot Williams](https://hackaday.com/series_of_posts/logic-noise/). Some circuits can be made with Klangorium alone, others require a external board and components, broken into sections that correspond loosely with each of the Logic Noise posts. - [Polyrhythms are Polypitch - live @ Ableton Loop, Berlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tRAkWaeepg). - Klangorium uses 4000-series integrated circuits. In the [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4000-series_integrated_circuits#Further_reading) you can find a link to the CMOS Cookbook which explains what they do from page 70 onwards. ### To dig deeper: - [Moritz Klein](https://www.youtube.com/@MoritzKlein0) has videos on doing your own DIY Synth from scratch, very well explained. - [Make: Analog Synthesizers](https://gr33nonline.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/make-analog-synthesizers-may-2013.pdf) by Ray Wilson. - [The Synthesizer DIY pages of René Schmitz](https://www.schmitzbits.de/index.html) is an excellent resource for synthesizer circuits, and one of the Logic Noise posts features a circuit (adapted to the Klangorium) by him.

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Language English

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