Kunst, Kultur & Erholung

Let's visit the Everything Exhibition!

Haecksen Zur magischen Margaret
Let's go down some rabbit holes together! :D bleeptrack and blinry are currently building a generator for virtual 3D exhibitions around arbitrary topics. It has a relatively new multiplayer mode, so let's meet up, split into a few small groups, and dive into some topics we're curious about! At the end, we'll come together in the big group again, and share what we've seen and learned (and collect all the bugs we found)! https://events.haecksen.org/magic_margaret.html
At the time of writing, the multiplayer part works best in the Chrome (or Chromium) web browser, so please install that beforehand. And to look around in the 3D space, the most convenient way is using a physical computer mouse!

Additional information

Live Stream https://meeten.statt-drosseln.de/b/cri-5br-nrx-mv8
Type Workshop
Language English

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