Christian Faubel Live


Additional information

Type Live Workshop
Language German

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Hardware Hacking Village
In this 2h workshop, I will teach you to work with the tiny components that modern electronic devices are made of. We will assemble an electronic kitten, that purrs when touched correctly, and hisses when touched wrong. It will work, and is guaranteed to remove your fear of hand-assembling surface mount designs.
Milliways Workshop Dome
Come learn how to hack networks without needing to piss off your housemates, local coffee shop, or the Feds! Bring your laptop and by the end of this workshop, everyone can walk away having intercepted some packets and popped some reverse shells.
Bits & Bäume
Bits&Bäume Workshops
## What Play a round of our FOSS funding programme with us and test our new focus "sufficiency". Since 2020, we support open source public-interest-tech projects in Switzerland with [our Prototype Fund]( ## Why Global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, sufficiency and systemic innovation must also play a central role in the context of digitalisation. From 2023/24 onwards, we will therefore fund two projects per year in the field of "sufficiency" to ...
This creative workshop is about sports and surveillance. We love games and sports, we want to have fun and play together, support our favorite teams ... but ... drones are following us, cameras are watching, coupled with biometric algorithms they are inspecting our "suspicious" behaviours: how we move, what we wear, if lying down or staying still for too long, if shouting loud or holding objects, if drinking, smoking, kissing, breathing ... Let's fight this surveillance, let's imagine together ...
Hardware Hacking Village
Solder your own pathlighter badge to illuminate your surroundings at night.
Nerds der OberRheinischen Tiefebene und der xHain (N\:O:R:T:x)
At camp (and not just there), stuff tends to break. Let's fix it together!
Nach dem erfolgreichen Start des Formats auf dem rc3 wird es auch beim Camp wieder eine Verwaltungs-Selbsthilfegruppe geben.