Learn to Solder / Digital Music Synthesis workshop with ArduTouch music synthesizer kit

K1/1 Lötwerkstatt Knott-ter Meer
Mitch Altman
<i><strong>Anyone can learn to solder!</strong></i> <i>And anyone can learn to make music, sound (and noise!) with computer chips!</i> All participants will easily learn all of this by making an <strong><a href="https://cornfieldelectronics.com/cfe/projects.php#ardutouch" > ArduTouch music synthesizer</a></strong> from a kit.
Learn to solder by making a way-cool, powerful music synthesizer, and learn how to make cool music, sound, and noise! with computer chips (The fancy word for making sound with a computer chip is Digital Signal Processing ArduTouch is an open hardware Arduino-compatible music synthesizer kit with a built-in Touch Keyboard, and with built-in speaker/amplifier. It is a really nice performing musical instrument. This workshop is for total newbies to learn to solder. This workshop is for total newbies to make their own ArduTouch music synthesizer and learn to make music, sound (and noise!) with computer chips. Attendees take their completed synthesiser home at the end of the workshop. The ArduTouch comes pre-programmed with a way cool synthesizer. And I will show you how to re-program it with other way cool (and totally different) synthesizers. For ages 10 - 100. Taught by Mitch Altman. Optional: Bring your laptop, if you can. Materials costs The workshop is free, but if you would like to partake in the hands-on aspects of the workshop, Mitch will have ArduTouch kits for 35 €. Optional: USB-Serial Cable for re-programming ArduTouch (and many other projects): 6 €.

Additional information

Type Workshop
Language German

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