
Public Value Broadcasting: Any Way the Content Flows

Stage 2
Christian Humborg, Anna von Garmissen, Nadine Bilke
Der Zugang zu verlässlichen Informationen über Politik, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft ist wichtiger Bestandteil der Teilhabe an Wissen und Kultur. Ein großer Teil der journalistischen Arbeit weltweit, einschließlich Überprüfung von Fakten, wird öffentlich finanziert. Diese Arbeit sollte daher der Öffentlichkeit nachnutzbar zur Verfügung stehen.
At a time of a worldwide pandemic, access to digitized educational content and cultural heritage has proven more important than ever. Institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) and other preservers of knowledge have opened up their inventory and vaults allowing educators and creative minds to find moments of enlightenment and awe. The same mission is now also taken on by media outlets whose primary purpose is public service, the public broadcasters. The biggest public broadcasters in Germany are now, for the first time, licensing material under a Creative Commons Licence. The high quality animations provided by the german broadcaster ZDF under CC BY 4.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0 licenses are now being used by several Wikipedia projects and highlighted as featured videos by the Wikimedia commons community. The educational clips are watched more than a million times each month. Broadcasters ARD and Deutschlandradio will follow this path soon and make content from their vast archives available under Creative Commons licenses. Across Europe, public broadcaster come under political pressure, specifically the BBC in the UK. BBC’s mission is "to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain". The public broadcaster have to defend their role in society and the values they provide. Public value broadcasting has to be put in practice in regards to licensing.  The Wikimedia movement is driven by the mission to make the sum of all knowledge freely available to everyone. Having reliable access to news and developments in the field of politics, society, and science is an important part of participation in knowledge and culture. A lot of the journalistic work worldwide, including reporting and fact-checking, is publicly funded. This work should therefore be available for the public to use, share and remix. The international language communities in the Wikimedia Projects have adapted and built upon the content provided by the ZDF. The editors of "Terra X" have already taken an important step by publishing explainer videos under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 4.0). Wikipedia volunteers have embedded the high-quality clips in articles that are available at Wikimedia Commons and have already been accessed hundreds of thousands of times. There are dubbed versions available in English, Dutch, Welsh and Esperanto. There are subtitles available in numerous other languages.

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Type Panel-Diskussion
Language German

More sessions

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