Introductory Workshop to Containers!

Stonewall IO
Containers appear to be ubiquitous to almost all software development these days. But what are they? After a short introduction on the technology we will get hands on with Docker to run existing container images, building our own, connect them to eachother and gently tap into all the powerful features they provide.
Containers appear to be ubiquitous to almost all software development these days. From "Dev Containers" to "CI" to "Service Deployment", they seem to be able to do everything. But what exactly are they? We will do a short introduction to the underlying technology, but then mostly focus on the most commonly used frontend: Docker. You will be provided with a little example project, to get your hands dirty on all the basics. How to run existing container images, how to create your own images, and most importantly what the possible use-cases for each of these steps are. The example project will provide plenty of opportunities to "containerize" its parts. Feel free to attend this alone or in small groups, but be sure to bring at least one laptop. Linux as an operating system is recommended, but I will try my best to get you started on macOS or Windows as well. Some software development background (of any kind) is recommended, so you can connect the newly gained knowledge with your personal experiences and potential use-cases. At the very least, you shouldn't be afraid to use a terminal and have set up a text editor or IDE of your choice.

Additional information

Type Workshop
Language English

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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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Stonewall IO
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