Software & Infrastructure

Smart Factory: Wie Timeseries-Daten klassische Industrien verändern und zukunftsfähig machen können.

Blauer Salon
Implementation einer IT monitoring Toolchain in einer Industrieumgebung.
A talk about my journey to implement timeseries data to unify the wide range of datasources in an industry environment. Leading to significant cost, -energy and co2 savings this approach turned out to be essential for companies especially in non-growing market. Over the years I have transformed a industrial printing plant to the most efficient one in Europe using Opensource tools like InfluxDB, Telegraf, Grafana, Nodered etc pp, cutting energy consumption, co2 emission and waste nearly in half.

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Language German

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Software & Infrastructure
Blauer Salon
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Software & Infrastructure
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Software & Infrastructure
kleines Filmröllchen
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