Einstieg in JOSM für fortgeschrittene OpenStreetMapper

In this session, I will present the OpenStreetMap editing software JOSM, a Java application for advanced editing of OpenStreetMap data. In contrast to the online editor iD on the OpenStreetMap website, JOSM can handle larger volumes of map data. It can be customized using plugins, custom tagging presets and map styles. This session is drafted for people who have contributed to OpenStreetMap and want to start with adavanced editing, edit relations or large features (e.g. landuse polygons). You need an OpenStreetMap account in order to be able to edit. Please create one prior to the session. Please install JOSM prior to the session (e.g. from the package repository of your Linux distribution). https://www.openstreetmap.org/ https://josm.openstreetmap.de/

Additional information

Type other
Language German

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