Type | devroom |
2/1/20 |
As recent events, such as the leftpad incident and the Equifax data breach, have demonstrated, dependencies on networks of external libraries can introduce projects to significant operational and compliance risks as well as difficult to assess security implications. FASTEN introduces fine-grained, method-level, tracking of dependencies on top of existing dependency management networks. In our talk, we will present how FASTEN works on top of the Rust/Cargo and Java/Maven ecosystems.
2/1/20 |
The community seems to be rife with conversations about our sustainability problems. Do we actually have one? We’ll lead a discussion and debate around how we as a community can think about these issues, while drawing out the nuanced aspects of each as well as their potential solutions.
2/1/20 |
In the last couple of years, the Software Engineering Lab of the University of Mons has extensively studied different aspects of dependency management within and across different package management ecosystems, including Cargo, npm, Packagist, Rubygems, CPAN, CRAN and NuGet. These ecosystems contain a large number of package releases with many interdependencies. They face challenges related to their scale, complexity, and rate of evolution. Typical problems are backward incompatible package ...
2/1/20 |
The ultimate software supply chain self-help guide
2/1/20 |
Dependency resolution is deceptively complex; simply selecting a set of compatible versions for an arbitrary network of dependencies is NP-hard. Much effort has been spent on this problem for modern single-language ecosystems, but many of these ecosystems rely on natively compiled libraries, and dependency mangers often fail at managing the additional complexities that native libraries entail. Further, dependency resolution has traditionally been modeled as a SAT problem, where the package ...
2/1/20 |
Package managers have become the default way for managing dependencies for most projects but they’re not without their challenges and risks. In this panel we bring together experts representing several popular package managers for a lively discussion on package management best practices, the state of package management communities, and a look forward at what we can expect to see in the future.