Ethics, Society & Politics

Barcamp: Raise your voice and share your experiences as a queer creature in IT

HfG Raum 112
Athena Wolfskämpf
**Für diesen Workshop ist eine [Reservierung]( (ab 26.05., 10:00) notwendig.** **For this workshop a [reservation]( (available from approximately 27.05.) is required.** A Barcamp is an open, participatory workshop-style event where the agenda and sessions are created by the participants on the spot. You decide what topics you contribute and about which ones you would like to speak (or listen to) in a smaller group. We welcome all creatures who self-identify as queer or marginalised to share their experiences as part of this barcamp.
## Why English? We want to make this barcamp accessible to creatures who are usually excluded from similar discussions at these events because they take place primarily in German. That said, each barcamp topic proposal may specify their preferred language, which can be English, German or another language. ## Is this for me? We welcome everyone who self-identifies as queer or belongs to a marginalised group. It is not necessary that you are currently working or active in the IT space, you're also welcome if you're thinking about entering the IT space or are interested in hearing others queer creatures' experiences. Still unsure? Unless you are an abled straight white cis-man, this barcamp welcomes you and invites you to share your experiences. No, reverse-sexism does not exist. Please use good judgement and be respectful. ## How the barcamp will work 1. After signing up for the barcamp, participants are asked to start thinking about precise topics they would like to share their experiences about or hear about others' experiences in. 2. At the start of the workshop, the topics are collected within the whole group. 3. Each topic is _concisely_ presented by the submitter. 4. Participants use dot-voting to communicate their interest in some of the topics. 5. An ad-hoc schedule is made with some topics in parallel. Depending on the number of participants `n`, this will be approximately `n` / 7 groups in parallel with about 25 minutes for each timeslot. Popular topics will be split into multiple smaller groups with the same topic to ensure the group size stays smaller than approximately seven. 6. The small groups gather and discuss their topic and move onto the next group that interests them after 25 minutes. This step is repeated until the time of the workshop runs out or there are no other topics left in the schedule.

Additional information

Type Workshop
Language English

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