Human learning with Anki

You can learn more efficiently. Reviewing too often waste time. Reviewing rarely cause forgetting. Spaced repetition software finds the optimal material to review for the sake of long term memorization. In this workshop, you'll learn how to use Anki. Anki is a free software on computer and android (and closed source on iOS), used by millions over the world, to learn vocabulary, medical school curriculum, math, music, programming, poem, geography and so much more. It comes with housands and thousands of free decks of learing materials, and you can create your own content to learn. Come with anki on your device so you can start praticing. to be sure to download the right one and not one of the many clone. This workshop is followed by a discussion session for anki users to meet and exchange tips and good practice. The presenter, Arthur Milchior, has been using anki since 2017 and started contributing to code in 2019.

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Type other
Language English

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