Infra Management

Simple (but useful) Ansible reporting with ara

David Moreau-Simard
<p>ARA Records Ansible playbooks and makes them easier to understand and troubleshoot. The author will explain why he created the project back in 2016 and how it might be useful for a wide range of use cases wherever Ansible runs from. Including a live demo, we'll see how it works under the hood and you can expect to walk away from the presentation with an understanding on how to get started for your own Ansible playbooks within minutes.</p> <p>ARA Records Ansible playbook results in local (sqlite) or remote (mysql/postgresql) databases with a regular Ansible callback plugin. It provides an API, a reporting interface as well as a CLI to query, search and browse detailed and granular playbook task results for individual hosts. Highlighting simplicity as a feature of the project, this presentation will provide examples that are appropriate for use whether Ansible runs from a laptop or at a large scale in production.</p>

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