Type | Talk |
Language | German |
12/27/20 |
Type theory has a large influence on computer science for example in functional programming languages such as Haskell. However, it can also be relevant in linguistics and help to answer the question what "meaning" for natural languages is. This talk presents approaches to explain meaning of natural languages statements using tools from logic and computer science
12/27/20 |
Models, as well as the explanations and predictions they produce, are on everyone's minds these days, due to the climate crisis and the Corona pandemic. But how do these models work? How do they relate to experiments and data? Why and how can we trust them and what are their limitations? As part of the omega tau podcast, I have asked these questions of dozens of scientists and engineers. Using examples from medicine, meteorology and climate science, experimental physics and engineering, this ...
12/28/20 |
We introduce the concept of a VAA by example of the well-known "Wahl-O-Mat", talk about the benefits and move on to explain, how to run an election compass for your hometown using the free and open source OpenElectionCompass.
12/28/20 |
This talk provides a practical guide for how to solve interpersonal conflict in communities with a loose structure such as do-ocracy or anarchy. We explain how Hackerspace.Gent uses the "private talk" pattern to solve conflict between members. We share our experience in the hope that this can help you fix issues in your community so it can go back to doing awesome stuff!
12/29/20 |
12/29/20 |
scraped publicly available parking deck data in Marburg for around 7 months, analysed it to find the parking patterns in Marburg and predicted the parking demand at locations without parking decks.tdi
12/29/20 |
In a Pandemic it becomes clearer than ever - proprietary IP and copyright ownership models fail society’s needs on every level. The pandemic has brought topics like sustainability and resilience into the limelight. Local production suddenly seems on everyone's lips as it could help to solve shortages that post a threat to our society. However, in the landscape of proprietary products it is simply not possible to provide the software, hardware schematics and know-how to everywhere in the world ...