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Binge Money

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Yoav Lifshitz, Gabriel S Moses
Join us for a binge-watch gathering of series and movies about money. We watch together and then unpack together our favorite on-screen moments that encapsulate the relations between art (any art) and $$$ (any amount). How do we discuss complex ideas in days of short attention? Through the post-pandemic version of the sing-along: the binge-along.
ArtUp Nation (AUN) is a think tank dedicated to matters of culture and economics, two things that cannot be set apart even if we really wanted to. We believe that an educated conversation on this topic should start with sharing art that is communicative and accessible to us all, namely popular series and films. After all, Hollywood has always been where creativity and big budgets meet. From mastermind true crime to subversive family dramedies—from Citizen Kane and Gremlins to Succession and Inventing Anna—today more than ever, what we watch on Netflix, Hulu, and HBO defines how we see life and its costs. To celebrate these lavish depictions in their finest on-screen moments, join ArtUp Nation & Friends for a binge-along session: a guided marathon of selected clips from money-themed TV and film, mixed with an open discussion with the audience on what imitates what, art, life or the market? And what's included in our paid subscription? The market is the medium, remember at all times.

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Type Meet Up
Language English

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Katharina Haverich, Konstantin Bez, Michael Hoppe, Wiebke Wesselmann, Eric Nikodym, Roman Miletitch
Location: Arena Club – Media Parcours Hi, ich bin Katharina Haverich, 40 Jahre alt, und das ist meine Generation: Kunst-und Kulturförderung richtig unfair aufteilen. Freund:innen stellen hier vor, wie sie Menschen bezahlen, die z.B. a) kein Konto haben b) in Bürgergeld-Bezugshaushalten leben oder c) aufgrund von Behinderung für 1,50€/h arbeiten.
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Sebastian Scholz/Experimental Game Cultures, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Moththerapy is a new form of therapy merging animal-assisted therapy, musictherapy and hypnosis. The participants can lay their hands onto the mothmeter™, a device that generates a tone of various soundstructures and pitches. With this piece of equipment the participant can play, communicate and experiment with Crystal the therapymoth.
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Kolja Wiese
Location: Trödelhalle Retro Gaming Stations! Mario Kart 64, Street Fighter 2 und und und! Kommt in die Nerdistan Gaming Area und testet euer können!
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Andreas Gebhard, Markus Beckedahl, Tanja Haeusler, Johnny Haeusler
Stage 1
Welcome back to re:publica 23! We are looking forward to three fantastic days with you.
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Heart Chor
The Beach
.Join us for an electrifying performance that uses the power of music to find meaning and connection in a capitalist world. With humour and vulnerability, Heart Chor presents an entertaining choir concert around cash, digitalisation, and love. Let's laugh and cry together and leave with our hearts filled with inspiration and tenderness.
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Jannis Schakarian
Workshop Flutgraben
"Du erwachst in einem dunklen Raum..." – so oder so ähnlich starten viele der ersten Computerspiele. Lasst uns diese wiedererwecken! Diesmal wollt ihr zusammen eine Bank ausrauben. Steuert durch alle Hindernisse, bis ihr das Rätsel knackt und erlebt ein spannendes Abenteuer. Dazu navigiert ihr reihum einen menschlichen, begriffsstutzigen Computer.
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Walter Palmetshofer
Stage 4
This talk is a brief intervention by being a human in an economist LARPing world, a combination of a brief history of the monetary policy ending up in the gamestonk frenzy, bridging from governments, the biggest plunders, greatest scams, most hilarious ponzi schemes, the financial crisis to crypto SBF & FTX, sold on effective altruism cool aid.