How abortion pills change the world

Saal Y 06 (Stonewall IO)
Inga Kanitz
Explore the fascinating history & future of self-managed abortions and their intersection with digital rights issues. We will collectively reflect on our values and conceptions of abortion and enter the world of abortion activism and resistance.
For decades abortion has been the topic of choice for conservatives and the right to mobilize and exercise control worldwide. Marginalized communities disproportionatly experience the effects and carry the burden of anti-abortion, anti-queer, anti-trans and racist politics. At the same time, the internet has revolutionized abortion access and has become a powerful way to resist anti-abortion forces. Abortion information that has been gatekept by medical institutions or states has become available online and telemedicine abortion technology is bypassing state borders and laws. Those with an unwanted pregnancy can access abortion pills online and safely terminate their pregnancy at home. While more and more people are looking for abortion services and information online, content disseminated by reproductive health organizations is being removed, suppressed or censored and AI is shaping the future of abortion search results. Women on Web is a feminist non-profit organization facilitating online access to abortion pills since 2005. For almost 20 years, WOW has helped women and pregnant people access safe abortion care on their own terms, regardless of restrictive laws. In this workshop we will explore the fascinating history & future of so called self-managed abortions world wide and their intersection with digital rights issues. We will collectively reflect on our values and conceptions of abortion and enter the world of abortion activism and resistance.

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Type Workshop
Language English

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