Ethics, Society & Politics

The state of digital rights in Latin America

Sofia Celi
Oftentimes, we read about the state of digital rights on the Global North and their challenges, but we hear little from the Global South. What is, then, the state of digital rights on the Global South and, specially, in Latin America? Are those rights threatened in the same way that they are in the Global North? Do those rights apply in the same way? On this talk, we will explore these questions. We will touch upon the history of digital censorship in Latin America, how it has evolved, and how surveillance in the region is increasing.
Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that we have as a community is the fact that we hear little from the perspectives from other regions of the world that are often consuming the technology and ideas produced from the Global North. This talk will aim to bring the Latin American perspective to the table: to talk about the state of digital rights in the region, about the challenges facing towards a digital sovereignty, about the state of digital rights from a legal and political perspective, and more.

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Type Other
Language English

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