(some) Hacker Values (Day 1)

Call for Art (ZF1.1)
teneko (he/him)
The aim of this art and research project is to identify and explore some of the values of contemporary hackers. I photograph participants' laptops at 38c3 in the style of typological photography (inspired by Bernd and Hilla Becher) capturing the character of the computers’ appearances, complete with stickers, inscriptions, and other distinctive details. The photographs, presented in the form of a screening, can be viewed in the workshop room from December 27 to 30. If you'd like to have your laptop photographed, feel free to send me a message on Matrix @annamaria_:matrix.org or Telegram @NNMRNNMR, or drop by the workshop room during the following times: 27. Dezember: 18:00–19:00 28. Dezember: 21:00–22:00 29. Dezember: 19:00–20:00

Additional information

Type other
Language German

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