Navigating the grey

Navigating The Gray; Hacker's Compass.
In an expanding digital world, the lines quickly blur between what's good and what is bad (ethical and not) Without using big complicated words, Ethics are a reference for our action to know good from bad. In this talk we go over a framework of ethics to help predetermine which direction our actions would lead us. This is not a code of ethics saying what is good and what is bad, after all life is somewhere in between, and you do you. This is a more of a measurement tool, like a compass. A hacker's compass, a pocket sized framework of three ethics to triangulate where we are on the gray, and where our actions would take us. Prepared time for Q&A and little discussion after the talk. I would be happy to learn more from other people's experiences and Ideas on this topic.

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Live Stream
Type Talk 60 (45min +15 Q&A)
Language English

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