Vector Variations (Day 3 13:00)

Art & Play Workshops (H)
Vintage plotters and generative art, exploring the sound of signs Marcel Schwittlick will showcase some recent explorations in the world of algorithmically generated plotter drawings.
marcel schwittlick is a berlin-based artist who uniquely blends digital and physical art through the use of drawing machines and algorithmic systems. his work spans generative art and plotter art, where he transforms digital cursor-lines into intricate, tangible artworks. schwittlick draws inspiration from generative aesthetics and computational methods to create geometric patterns that play with the concepts of chance and intention. with a background in computer science and art, he crafts his pieces using vintage plotters and self-developed algorithms, embracing the machines' quirks to explore the symbiosis between artist and machine. his practice not only visualizes the intricate dance between control and randomness but also includes an auditory dimension through the distinctive sounds produced by the plotting machines during the creation process.

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Type other
Language English

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