Triff die Digitalcourage-Ortsgruppen!

Several Digitalcourage local groups made their way to the 37c3. This meetup is open for everybody. Location: TBA The Digitalcourage local groups look after data protection and social participation in an increasing number of towns in Germany. They act in world that becomes more and more digital but at the same time excludes human beings and leaves them behind. Ortsgrupping tries to fix that a bit, regionally and nation-widely. Ortsgrupping means fun and brings together ascpects from chatting to legal analyses and simple hacking of devices. Actually, we all would like to keep control over our devices, if possible. And if not, then we know at least why this is the case and how we can change that. Given there is enough interest, the following talks/discussions might happen: 1) **"Away or Okay"**: Selling your fundamental rights for money?" Data protection authorities are yet strikingly unremarkable regarding the topc and approve it silently. What can be said against it from an ethical view or from a view of fundamental rights? Is here revealed how capitalism is capturing/overturning the rule of law? What consequences does that have for our freedom(s)? How could a defense geared against deals of that sort and based on privacy rights or fundamental rights look like? 2) **#chatkontrolle does not happen**. We present results from our study about (non-)echo of the chatcontrol campain in the media." While #chatcontrol in the Chaos bubble was actively discussed or at least acknowledged, the attention in print media, radio and television was almost zero. We took a closer look at the chat control campaigns, the numbers, tweets, discussions and articles as part of a CitizenScience project and with the help of a new search engine for political communication in Germany ( Result: Chat control existed even less in public discussion than in the political bubble. What's going on there? Why is one of the internet community's most explosive topics barely featured on page 3 or in the evening news anymore? What did we do wrong? What can we change? What do we have to do? We would like to discuss the results with you after a short intro (and would also like to introduce the search engine). Above all, we want to work with you to find ways to bring internet policy issues back into the center of public discussions. 3) Why the google privacy sandbox is threatening your privacy. All creatures are welcome. Cookies will be served. The exact topics might change. Please check back regularly.

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Language German

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