
Kidspace - Workshopraum
Kleider- und Spielzeugbörse im Kidspace
Clothes and toy exchange at Kidspace You have a T-shirt collection in sizes 98-156 from Eidelsteater Bürgerhaus to Leipzig, but your children now wear M-XL? No one has played with the Blue-Bot for a long time because kids nowadays prefer to program assemblers (or do something with wood)? Make room at home for something new and make young children’s hearts beat faster. Bring your stuff to the Kidspace Exchange. On day 3 we will be holding a jumble sale. Get rid of what doesn’t fit and find what does. Important: We have no storage facilities. Anything you can’t get rid of, you have to take back with you. You are looking for a new shirt for still small child? You want to suprise your offspring with some (still unknown) nerdy toys? You will find it at the kidspace exchange. Come along.

Additional information

Type other
Language German

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