
Art in the Age of Digitization: How New Digital Solutions Contribute to Building a More Equal Art World

Kanal 2
Amalia Mourad Korczowski
The migration of art online is not just a consequence of the pandemic but also an opportunity to level the playing field. The art world is unequal in many facets. Womxn and people of color have been excluded from most of art history. Researchers and the public have limited access to art information. The new digital approach to Archiving and Catalogue Raisonnés is one way we can address some of these issues, as well as challenge the traditional analogue method of production.
New, socially-distanced ways of exploring and discovering art are in need more than ever. Online art platforms can host thousands of data entries on artists, artworks, events, and primary sources all vetted by a well-known authority. If Archives and Catalogue Raisonnés were available online, they would be a treasure trove for art professionals who rely on validated information and for those who like to explore our history and culture through art, without having to leave home. The migration of art online is not just a consequence of the pandemic but also an opportunity to level the playing field for womxn, people of color, researchers, and art enthusiasts.  Some of the questions we will be addressing are: Why is it important to write your own history as an artist? What role does digitization play in solidifying an artist’s legacy and what tools do we need to accomplish this? How does Digital Archiving and Catalogue Raisonné creation contribute to the recognition of artists of all backgrounds? How do we create more transparency in the art world by supporting equal access to art-information? The new digital approach to Archiving and Catalogue Raisonné projects is one way we can address some of these issues, as well as challenge the traditional analogue method of production. For this Lightning Talk we propose to discuss a current solution for realistic Digital Archive and Catalogue Raisonné production, as well as the steps you need to take for successful CR completion. This will include talking about more reliable processes for vetting artworks and linking facts to primary sources.  Whether it's socially, practically, or historically, the digitization of art information is changing the landscape for artists, researchers, and institutions in many ways. Digital Archiving and Cataloguing not only allow projects to remain up to date and be corrected, it's a critical chance to rewrite history, and ensure that the undervalued artists of today are celebrated in the future.

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Type Statement Talk
Language English

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