
Exponential Climate Action

Kanal 2
Avit Bhowmik
In the mean time, global greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 7% because of lockdowns. This drop is significant, even higher than the emissions drop during the Second World War. In fact, this is how the emissions drop should be in an annual basis, if we were to achieve the Paris Agreement target. Regretfully, the emissions are now rebounding. How can we sustain this emissions drop and continue reducing further? Exponential Climate Action - is the answer.
The world is at the verge of crossing dangerous climate tipping points, like completely losing summer ice in the Arctic Sea and slowing or completely shutting down the Gulf Stream. Risks of crossing these tipping points are manifested in many actual events, like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Although brought social lives and a large part of the global economy close to closure, COVID-19 offered tremendous opportunities for halting climate destabilisation. Global greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 7% just within a year, which is the largest drop in the century. More importantly, the pandemic drove several social changes that were previously thought impossible, such as frequent remote meetings and historical decrease in passenger flights. However, the emissions are rebounding again and we are trying to go back to the old normal - business as usual. It is high time for acting exponentially following a "Carbon Law" - peaking emissions now and then halving every decade through to 2050, by when the major sectors should be decarbonised if we want to stand any chance of achieving the Paris Agreement targets. We have scaleable and market ready solutions for this, all we have to do is to implement them. It's time that we stop waiting for the political leaders to solve this existential problem and every individual, particularly communities around the world step up and drive Exponential Climate Action.

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