ACRO YOGA FLOW - dive through

Saal 3 Bühne
thsstll (beliebig / any)
[DE] Acro Yoga Jam; gemeinsames Warmup, Kennen lernen, danach Free Flow Jam Session mit Peer 2 Peer Support & Inspiration. Bring bequeme Sachen + bestenfalls deine Yogamatte mit. [EN] Acro Yoga Jam; warm up together, get to know each other, then free flow jam session with peer 2 peer support & inspiration. Bring comfortable clothes + ideally your yoga mat.
Learn to flow like a wave of the ocean. With this combination of partner acrobatics, therapeutic flying, and restorative practices, you’ll nurture trust and communication. As you dive deeper into Acro Yoga, you'll discover the buoyancy of weightless movements, the flexibility of a seaweed swaying in the current, and the calm of a serene ocean floor. No prior experience is necessary, but a basic understanding of yoga or partner acrobatics helps. Wear comfortable clothing and be ready to ride the waves of connection with your fellow practitioners.

Additional information

Type other
Language German

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