DJ Set

Gregor Tresher

In the trend-driven universe of electronic dance music, Gregor Tresher is the rare ar8st who transcends such cycles. His secret? A relentless focus on melody and 8mbre, 8meless musical elements that other producers oAen undervalue. Just as a pain8ng or a photograph appears to move if one stares at it long enough, close listening to the stra8fied grooves and melodies in Tresher's music reveals an organic universe of shiAing sound.
"Melody always allows you to bring something new to the music," opines the producer. "It is where you can create something real and different, whereas the beat… well, either a record grooves or it doesn't." Tresher's approach to wri8ng music eschews obvious eight-bar earworms that soon grow 8resome in favor of musical lines that repeat and intertwine in myriad paIerns, unfolding to reveal their secrets as you listen. In addi8on, another almost impercep8ble element of mo8on has been integrated into Gregor Tresher´s new music via the integra8on of vintage machines and their tendency to driA ever-so-slightly out of tune. "It adds this human touch to the music, even though it was made with machines." Gregor Tresher began his career as a DJ in Frankfurt in the early '90s; today, he can be found plying that trade at venues around the world, from Berlin to Tokyo, from Sydney to Los Angeles. Following two cri8cally-acclaimed albums credited to his Sniper Mode alias, Tresher broke through as a producer under his real name via his 2005 releases S8ll and Neon. His 2008 classic "A Thousand Nights" was the year's best-selling Techno track on Beatport and introduced Gregor to a larger audience. Besides releasing music on high-profile labels like Drumcode, Ovum, Intacto, Truesoul, Music Man, Moon Harbour and Cocoon, Gregor launched his own eclec8c imprint ”Break New Soil“ in 2009 on which his studio albums The Life Wire (2009), Lights From The Inside (2011), Nightcolors (2013) and Quiet Distor8on (2016) were released. The label also grew to become a respected placorm for many well known ar8sts in the interna8onal Techno circuit and has already passed catalogue number 75. In 2021, besides dropping a collabora8on album with long8me friends Pig&Dan called „Soulcatcher“ on Adam Beyer’s Truesoul label, Sven Väth picked Gregor to produce the German icon’s first full length ar8st album in 20 years, named „Catharsis“ - a project that once more cemented Gregor’s status as one of Germany´s leading recording ar8sts in the world of electronic music. Gregor’s remix history includes luminary names such as Depeche Mode, Moby, Camouflage, Sven Väth, Laurent Garnier and Extrawelt amongst many others.

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Type Performance
Language German

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