What is Algorave?

In this talk, we will discover what an Algorave is, its origins, the community behind it, and our ideas of where this movement might be going. You will gain insight into the live coding community and its most beloved party. How to make people dance with algorithms? How to create algorithmic and generative dance music live? How is this practice opening new spaces to create music and visuals? Algorave is an inclusive, diverse, self-organized community that thrives in creating safe spaces worldwide and has grown together on the Internet.
An algorave is an event where people dance to music generated from algorithms, often using live coding techniques. Algoraves can include a range of styles, including a complex form of minimal techno. The movement has been described as a meeting point of hacker philosophy, geek culture, and clubbing. At an algorave, the computer musician/visualist may not be the main point of focus for the audience, and instead, attention may be centered on a screen that displays live coding, that is the process of writing source code, so the audience can not just dance or listen to the music and visuals generated by the source code but also to see the process of programming. Networking technologies have expanded our capacity for imagination, creation, and sharing. Live coding and Virtual Reality development have been nurtured by networked worldwide communities that share an interest in questioning the status quo of reality by challenging social and artistic paradigms. In times of global lockdown, both communities started a much natural collaboration that allowed live coders from all over the world to share a virtual common space, offering a new dimension of social networking to the Algorave experience. Toplap Berlin, founded in 2013, is the meeting point for all things Live Coding Berlin. Inspired by our city's legendary scenes of electronic music and programming, Toplap promotes intersections for artists, scientists, and technologists through art. Toplap Berlin VR Hub is a virtual space created in Mozilla Hubs, opened to the public on 18.07.2020 to host Algoraves, live coding sessions, meetings, talks, and workshops, both locally and globally. Modeled by architect and digital artist @CNDSD, this space flirts with the real architecture of Teufelsberg and becomes a dream, an oniric space in an alternate Berlin. Hubs is a VR chatroom designed for every headset and browser, but it is also an open-source project that explores how communication in mixed reality can come to life. You can access the Hub without a Virtual Reality headset, just from any screen. It's a great way to bring communities together in a shared virtual space. For this Algorave we will make an open call for live coders from around the world. In the spirit of inclusion and diversity that characterizes the Algorave, we will welcome artists from different backgrounds and experiences, giving space to all the community to participate. The duration of the algorave is unknown for now, but the live coding community itself will keep the streaming running and moderating the space ensuring a safe and fun experience for all. //Important links https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorave https://algorave.com/ https://www.facebook.com/toplapberlin // Toplap Berlin VR Hub https://hub.link/ncMLYd9 https://hubs.mozilla.com/docs/welcome.html //videos of Algorave https://youtu.be/h340aNznHnM https://youtu.be/S2EZqikCIfY https://youtu.be/nAGjTYa95HM //videos of Algorave VR https://youtu.be/gw7sPwszGiM //Technical requirements Each artist streaming into the Hubs will have to follow these instructions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H4MYuI6AEiQygtIRuDBPv_VbMrhjZ_lXGCGnCRiQsAQ/edit

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Live Stream https://streaming.media.ccc.de/rc3/chaoszone
Type Talk
Language English

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