Wondrous mathematics: Large numbers grow on trees

"KliMathematik Augsburg" Table
This talk is for all who enjoyed the game "who can name the larger number?" as a kid.
**📍 The location of this session might change, please check here again before the session starts. 📍** In the first part of the talk, suitable also for children aged 10 or older, we will go on a fun tour of the wondrous world of mind-bogglingly large numbers (similar to last year). In case you are new to the business of extremely large but still finitely large numbers, be prepared to be in thorough awe at hyper operators and Graham's number, a number so large not even the number of its digits fits into our universe. In case you've been a longtime follower of Graham's number, be prepared to be amazed by numbers which render Graham's number tiny and insignificant in comparison. The second part of the talk will be less fun and more thorough (and unique to this year). In the second part of the talk, we will compute the final digit of Graham's number and we will learn, with the concrete example of the extremely large number TREE(3), how paradoxically infinity unlocks new extremely large numbers. 🧮

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Type other
Language English

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