
How Games (and chore apps) keep you on longer and coming back regularly

ZKM Kubus
dysphoricUnicorn 🪿
This talk will be a quick look into the methods of psychological manipulation that games and chore apps use make your sessions with them longer and get you to come back regulary.
Ever wondered why you just can't put your game down, even though you know you should already be sleeping? Were you terrible at learning languages in school but suddenly excel at it using Duolingo? The reasons for both are probably the same. I will to go into the manipulation strategies that games and chore apps alike utilise and compare them to user hostile design patterns, that I have already talked about in the past. This talk will not tell you how to feel about these tricks, but it will hopefully provide you with the knowledge you need to detect them and make more conscious decisions on if you want to let them work on you.

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Type Vortrag (kurz)
Language English

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