Open Research Tools and Technologies

Writing with data visualization

Multimodal encounters in the making of digital social sciences publications
Robin De Mourat
<p>The writing of web publications mixing data visualization and textual prose opens novel opportunities for connecting evidence, arguments and narrative in social sciences communities. Such a practice poses a variety of challenges in terms of website design and development ; but also and maybe more importantly, it asks for experimenting specific workflows for coordinating a variety of expertises ranging from social sciences disciplines (history, sociology, etc.) to data science, information design and web-related skills. It also reconfigures, for the research processes themselves, the relationships between activities of (data-related) enquiry and (communication-oriented) writing, creating a renewed space for discovery, invention and verification for the data sustaining a given argument or narrative.</p> <p>Relying on recent experiments in making collective digital publications grounded in sociology of technology ( and history of economy (, this talk accounts for the diverse challenges arising from such activities of “data visualization-driven writing”, and some strategies we used to cope with them. It describes and compares the technical and methodological workflows we developed in order to simultaneously develop text, datasets and visualizations, taking into account a variety of aims, data materials, and distribution of skills. Doing so, it advocates for an extended understanding of the notion of “academic writing”, encompassing the practices of writing software, data and diagrams. Such an extended understanding, we argue, is necessary to design and develop writing workflows allowing to foster a multimodal and scientifically productive dialogue between these heterogeneous practices, taking full advantage of the web publication format as a research situation.</p>

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Open Research Tools and Technologies
<p>The Open Research Tools and Technologies devroom managers welcome words announcing the schedule.</p>
Open Research Tools and Technologies
Ian Johnson
<p>This presentation is about the development and trajectory of Heurist (, a shared, integrated, extensible data infrastructure (model, build, manage, analyse, visualise, share, publish via integrated CMS) for Humanities research capable of handling the needs of many heterogeneous projects on a single standalone service*, with optional integration across multiple servers by a coordinating index (itself based on Heurist).</p> <p>Humanities data are interesting (both technically ...
Open Research Tools and Technologies
<p>Developed from 1995 onward, Prospero is a framework for longitudinal analysis of text corpora. Based on dictionaries and semi-automatic classification, it mainly allows its user to combine approaches of statistical computation, co-occurrence network and search for nested patterns. Inspired by pragmatic sociology, it focuses on the multiple forms of expression and argumentation used by actors, on language regimes and on the identification of transformations occurring in the research case. ...
Open Research Tools and Technologies
John Boy
<p>I am a social scientist who mostly teaches and conducts qualitative research, but I am also a programmer. Over the years, I have contributed to a variety of free and open source software projects, and since 2019, I have developed and maintained <code>textnets</code>, a Python package for text analysis that represents collections of texts as networks of documents and words, providing novel possibilities for the visualization and analysis of texts. In my field, such software development efforts ...
Open Research Tools and Technologies
<p>Discussion panel of three testimonies from academics developing software.</p>
Open Research Tools and Technologies
Evgeny Karev
<p>This talk will show a new Python tool called Livemark, which is designed for data journalism software education, and documentation writing. Using Livemark, you can collect and present data with interactive tables, charts, and other elements without leaving a text editor. You can also write documentation with live script execution similar to a lightweight version of a Jupiter Notebook. This talk will demo Livemark and will be well-suited for a technical and non-technical audience that is ...
Open Research Tools and Technologies
<p>We will try to define in this presentation basic user needs for a generic working environment on historical data, discuss then some key technologies and architecture orientations for online open-source application MetaindeX, which intends to fulfill those user requirements. At last, we will illustrate its usage with a real corpus of few thousands French archives from "Archives Nationales", from 16th and 17th century.</p>