
Networking with Innovators and Entrepreneurs from Africa - The Africa-Berlin Initiative

Meetup Red
Fadia Elgharib, Markos Lemma, Hilina Damte, Marthe Francine Nkolo Ateba Francine
The AfricaBerlin Network is a program implemented by enpact and supported by the Berlin Senate for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and Berlin Partner.
Together with the Global Innovation Gathering we invited 12 impact-driven Ecosystem & Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Experts from four rapidly growing African Startup Ecosystems – Egypt, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa. So come and meet them at re:publica!    The meetup is an opportunity to meet different innovators and entrepreneurs from the AfricaBerlin Network Initiative and the GIG network - during the meeting we will exchange expertise, insights and possible future collaborations across the African continent. Berlin being an established and a growing startup ecosystems, what are the gaps that could be filled by the African ecosystem?  

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Type Meet Up
Language English

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