Net for Good

Equal, digital and effective – funding digital public goods in the health space

Karin Källander, Samuel Kamau Mbuthia, Lea Gimpel
Digital public goods in health provide great benefit to society at large, especially in light of current and future pandemics. However, this promise is limited by a business model ill-equipped to support private sector engagement & innovation. Our panel discusses the funding challenges, limitations and opportunities of digital public goods.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the large gap in funding, and subsequent need for digital health as an integral part of crisis-resilient health systems and preventing current and future pandemics.  In 2021an estimated 37.8 billion dollars was funneled into health-related financial assistance in Low- and Middle-income countries (LMICs) in response to the pandemic, with a large proportion earmarked for digital health[i]. Out of this funding, creating/supporting national systems of global public goods was a priority which would enable both national and global responses to be coordinated, interoperable and successfully leveraged against future health crises. Despite the advantages and necessary benefits of global public goods (GPGs) in supporting health strategies, the current business models of DPG’s are only viable for large publicly funded stakeholders, i.e., development and International Organizations. However, when thinking of innovation and localization – the building blocks of sustainable digital development – it requires the contribution, collaboration, and entrepreneurship of various (local) stakeholders. Thus, in order to develop locally relevant digital solutions based on human-centred design in LMICs, we must face this business model dilemma of global public goods, their funding mechanisms and relevant cashflows. Therefore, we ask, how can we reimagine global public goods whereby the private sector can contribute in a meaningful and sensical way. In what ways can the public-private-partnership exist and strengthen the cause of global public goods? Join us, as we discuss with technical experts and high-level governance officials on ways in which we can reimagine the possibilities for global public goods. Discussion Question 1: What are the challenges with the typical business models that sustain digital health business? Question 2: How can we better promote free and open source-based business models for Digital Health Global Goods in Africa? Question 3: What are enablers and obstacles for running a private business based on Global Goods and where can your organization support? Question 4: Which models and/or support systems can we use to leverage and strengthen local expertise / private companies in the global south to establish sustainable business models around Digital Global Goods?     [i] Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026 (

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Type Panel-Diskussion
Language English

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