recheck and the Sorcerer's Stone: Turning Selenium into Adamantium

Jeremias Rößler
The NoSuchElementException is probably one of the most prominent problems when using Selenium. The open source project recheck solves this problem in an elegant and simple way. And on top of that, test are easier to create and maintain and yet more complete.
Ever had that: after a simple change, suddenly 50+ tests are failing! Brittle tests that hinge on GUI specifics and result in the dreaded NoSuchElementException are a main headache when testing with Selenium. The open source project recheck offers a simple and elegant solution. Not only is a virtual identifier unaffected by UI changes, you can define it for otherwise hard to specify elements, i.e. that would require complex xpath or CSS selector expressions. And on top of that, tests are easier to create and maintain and yet much more complete in what they check. This talk gives a practical introduction to the underlying approach and the tool, complete with a life coding session.

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