„Pandemic Robot Orchestra“ (PaRoO, hindu: Sun, Fire, Grace, Flow)

ChaosZone TV
Bruno Kramm
An interactive, robot and solenoid driven real orchestra which reacts to the emotional input of the online listeners.
Music opens up an emotional access to technology. In this project, we want to invite people to deal with the potential of artificial intelligence for our society in a very different way and thus to achieve other groups in the overall society. The music is not only generated based on user information through AI algorithms, but also played by mini robots on real instruments. This is brought by video stream to the listeners and spectators: the audience can thus hear a long missing live concert in pandemic times, which they can shape themselves. But this alone would be nothing hot and homesick for future! Within the Pandemic Robot Orchestra, we build a generative, collaborative work of art, creating new, unique music from the virtual interaction of people and machines and is constantly expanding its own musical horizon. The interactive listener (CO-Creator) dynamically selects online - while listening and watching - from a multidimensional emotion matrix between musical expressions (consonant / dissonant, major / minor, quiet / loud, bright / dark, complex / minimal, fast / slow) to feed the music AI (natural language trained) which creates MIDI notes and musical variations/interpretations (chords, melodic and rhythmic structure). The MIDI notes then control solenoid robots that drive natural instruments as well as electronic tone generators by means of a stop, bow stroke and blowing. The instruments arranged in the room to an orchestra are broadcasted life to these creative listeners (Co-Creator), which in turn influence the further sound curve through the steady control of the emotion matrix. The control loop from constant input and the tonal analysis trains and deepens the music AI. The "Pandemic Robot Orchestra" can be installed in a hiking exhibition again and again to new places. This eternal orchestra builds the delight in the origin on motifs Ludwig van Beethoven's Ode and symbolizes the diversity of Europe and its people in the steady musical development. The orchestra of instruments was sponsored by Musikhaus Thomann/GEWA and the system works with infinimesh AIoT plattform and Abvleton Live. It is a project of musician Bruno Kramm, Robotic Professor Dr. Doris Aschenbrenner and AI specialist Dr. Tristan Behrens. Kickoff Delft, NL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls8pbcDfrPo&t=8s

Additional information

Live Stream https://streaming.media.ccc.de/rc3/chaoszone
Type Talk
Language English

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