Mo Greens & Beh

Chillout Lounge
Mogreens: Joining Beh on the decks at the Chaos Communication Congress is Mogreens, another veteran DJ with a deep affinity for the CCC scene. Mogreens, though rooted in electronic music, extends his sonic spectrum to the realms of jazz, showcasing a unique blend of influences that keeps audiences on their toes. In addition to his musical prowess, Mogreens brings a quirky and endearing love for manatees into the mix, adding a delightful charm to his persona. As a long-time participant in the CCC community, Mogreens' sets are a testament to the evolving nature of electronic music, seamlessly integrating jazz elements and showcasing his passion for diverse sounds. Together, Beh and Mogreens are set to enchant the audience at the Chillfloor of Chaos Communication Congress, delivering a back-to-back vinyl experience that bridges the past and present of electronic music, all while paying homage to their enduring connection to the CCC community. Get ready for a journey through the beats, where the old meets the new in a harmonious dance of sound and technology. Beh: DJ Beh, a seasoned artist deeply rooted in the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) scene, brings a wealth of experience and an eclectic taste to the turntables. A long-time member of the c-base community, Beh has been a significant contributor to the electronic music landscape, particularly within the CCC circles. While his primary focus lies in electronic genres, he's known to sprinkle his sets with the resonant beats of dubstep, showcasing his diverse musical palette. Beh's connection to the CCC community spans ages, making him a respected figure among techno enthusiasts. His penchant for experimentation is reflected not only in his music but also in his involvement with the vibrant c-base, where technology and creativity converge. Beyond the decks, Beh harbors a soft spot for sloth, adding a touch of whimsy to his serious dedication to the craft.

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