Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
The Fuzion Language
Combining safety and analysability with high performance - while distracted by a 🐶
Fuzion is a modern general purpose programming language that unifies concepts
found in structured, functional and object-oriented programming languages into
the concept of a Fuzion feature. It combines a powerful syntax and safety
features based on the design-by-contract principle with a simple intermediate
representation that enables powerful optimizing compilers and static analysis
tools to verify correctness aspects.
Fuzion was influenced by many other languages including Java, Python, Eiffel,
Rust, Go, Lua, Kotlin, C#, F#, Nim, Julia, Clojure, C/C++, and many more. The
goal of Fuzion is to define a language that has the expressive power present in
these languages and allow high-performance implementation and powerful analysis
tools. Furthermore, Fuzion addresses requirements for safety-critical
applications by adding support for contracts that enable formal specification and
enable detailed control over runtime checks.
The talk will explain Fuzion's motivation and present its main concepts, feature
declarations and feature calls. It will not go into details of the syntax, but
present Fuzion's approach to immutability, memory management and type inference.
Many current programming language are getting more and more overloaded with new
concepts and syntax to solve particular development or performance issues.
Languages like Java/C# provide classes, interfaces, methods, packages, anonymous
inner classes, local variables, fields, closures, etc. And these languages are
currently further extended by the introductions of records/structs, value types,
etc. The possibility for nesting of these different concepts results in
complexity for the developer and the tools (compilers, VMs) that process and
execute the code.
For example, the possibility to access a local variable as part of the closure
of a lambda expression may result in the compiler allocating heap space to hold
the contents of that local variable. Hence, the developer has lost control over
the allocation decisions made by the compiler.
In Fuzion, the concepts of classes, interfaces, methods, packages, fields and
local variables are unified in the concept of a Fuzion feature. The decision
where to allocate the memory associated with a feature (on the heap, the stack
or in a register) is left to the compiler just as well as the decision if
dynamic type information is needed. The developer is left with a single concept
of a feature, the language implementation takes care for all the rest.
==Fuzion Features==
A Fuzion feature is has a name, similar to the name of a class or a function.
The main operation that can be performed on a feature is a feature call.
Features are nested, i.e., every feature is declared within the context of an
outer feature. The only exception is the universe, which is the outermost
feature in any Fuzion system. A feature can access features declared in its
outer feature or, recursively, any outer feature of these outer features. This
means a feature can access the closure provided by its outer features.
When calling a feature f1 declared as an inner feature of f2, the call must
include a target value which is the result of a call to f2, e.g., f2.f1.
===Formal Arguments===
Features may have a list of formal arguments, which are themselves features
implemented as fields. On a call to a feature with formal arguments, actual
arguments have to be provided to the call.
===Feature Result===
The result of a feature call is an instance of the feature. Alternatively, a
feature may declare a different result type, then it must return a value of that
type on a call.
===Feature examples===
point(x, y i32) is
p1 := point(3, 4)
stdout.println("p1.x is " + p1.x) // will print "p1.x is 3"
stdout.println("p1.y is " + p1.y) // will print "p1.y is 4"
base(v i32) is
plus(w i32) => v + w
b1 := base(30)
b2 := base(100)
stdout.println( // will print "53"
stdout.println( // will print "123"
===Feature implementation===
Features must have one of the following implementations
a routine is a feature implementation with code that is executed on a call
a field is a memory slot whose contents are returned on a call
an abstract feature has no implementation an cannot be called directly
an intrinsic feature is a low-level feature implemented by the compiler or
run-time system, e.g., the infix + operator to add two 32-bit integer values
may be an intrinsic operation.
===Features and Types===
A feature declaration implicitly declares a type of its instances. In the
example above, the feature declaration
point(x, y i32) is
declares the type point that can be used to declare a feature of field type, so
we could, e.g., declare a new feature that takes an argument of type point:
draw(p point) is
drawPixel(p.x, p.y)
Fuzion features can inherit from one or several other features. When inheriting
from an existing features, all inner features of the parent automatically become
inner features of the heir feature. It is possible to redefine inherited
features. In particular, when inheriting from a feature with abstract inner
features, one can implement the inherited abstract features.
An redefinition of an inherited feature may implement an inherited feature as a
routine or as field. An inherited feature that is implemented as a field,
however, cannot be redefined.
Inheritance may result in conflicts, e.g. if two features with the same name is
inherited from two different parents. In this case, the heir must resolve the
conflict either by redefining the inherited features and providing a new
implementation or by renaming the inherited features resulting in two inner
features in the heir class.
Inheritance and redefinition in Fuzion does not require dynamic binding. By
default, the types defined by features are value types and no run-time overhead
for dynamic binding is imposed by inheritance.
Features may have generic type parameters. E.g. a feature declaration may leave
the actual type used within that feature open an to be defined by the user of
the feature.
The list of generic type parameters may be open, i.e., the number of actual
generic type parameters is not fixed at feature declaration. This turns out to
be useful in he declaration of choice types or functions explained below.
===Choice Types===
Fuzion provides choice types (also called union types, sum types, tagged types,
co-product types in other languages). A choice type is a feature declared in the
standard library that has an open list of generic parameters for a number of
actual types a field of this choice type may hold.
The simplest example of a choice type is the type bool, which is a choice
between types TRUE and FALSE, TRUE and FALSE are themselves declared as features
with no state, i.e., no fields containing data.
Another examples for a choice type from the standard library is Option<T>, which
is a generic choice type that either holds a value of type T or nil, while nil
is a feature with no state declared in the standard library.
A match statement can be used to distinguish the different options in a choice
type, e.g.,
mayBeString Option<string> = someCall()
match mayBeString
s String => stdout.println(s)
_ nil => stdout.println("no string")
The ? operator allows for more compact syntax, the following code is equivalent
stdout.println(mayBeString ? s | "no string")
while a single ? may be used to return immediately from the current feature in
case of an error
stdout.println(mayBeString?) // return nil immediately if mayBeString is nil
which works only within a feature that may return the unhandled types as a
===Function Types===
Another open generic type in the standard library is Function. This is a
feature that declares an abstract inner feature call. Syntactic sugar in the
Fuzion front end enables inline declaration of functions as shown in this example:
fun_example is
eval(msg string, f fun (i32) i32) is
x in 0..3
m := msg, ", "
y := f(x)
stdout.print("" + m + "f(" + x + ") = " + y)
eval("f(x) = 2*x: ", fun (x i32) => 2*x)
eval("f(x) = x*x: ", fun (x i32) => x*x)
eval("f(x) = x*x*x: ", fun (x i32) => x*x*x)
which results in
f(x) = 2x: f(0) = 0, f(1) = 2, f(2) = 4, f(3) = 6
f(x) = xx: f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 4, f(3) = 9
f(x) = xxx: f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 8, f(3) = 27
Internally, function declarations are implemented as inner features.
By default, Fusion types have value semantics. This means that a value is
cannot be assigned to a field whose type is a parent type of the value's type.
However, a value can be marked as a reference by adding the keyword 'ref'. Then,
any value of a heir type can be assigned to this field.
An example is the argument of the println feature, with is a ref to an
object. Its implementation is shown here:
public println(s ref Object) void is
for c in s.asString.asBytes do
Object is the implicit parent feature of all features that do not explicitly
declare a parent. Consequently, any value can be assigned to the argument 's'
of println.
Object declares some basic features such as 'asString', which creates a string
representation of the Object. Redefinitions of these functions in heir features
such as 'integer' provide useful string representations of the objects.
Note that the 'ref' keyword does not require that the implementation would
allocate the value passed as a ref on the heap and it also does not imply that
we will have dynamic type information and dynamic binding at run-time.
==Design by Contract==
Fuzion features can be equipped with pre- and post-conditions to formally
document the requirements that must be when a feature is called and the
guarantees given by a feature. An example is a feature that implements a square
root function:
sqrt(a i32) i32
a >= 0
result * result <= a,
(result + 1) > a / (result + 1),
result >= 0
if a == 0
last := 0, r
r := 1, (last +^ a / last) / 2
until r == last
In this case, the function defines the pre-condition that its argument a is
non-negative. A call of this function with a negative value will result in a
run-time error. On the other hand, its post-conditions make a clear statement
about the result: The result will be the largest value that, when squared, is <=
===Checking Pre- and Post-conditions===
Pre- and post-conditions can be classified for different purposes. Default
qualifiers provided in the standard library are
This qualifier protects pre-conditions that are required for the safety of an operation.
An example is the index check pre-condition of the intrinsic operation to
access an element of an array: Not performing the index check would allow
arbitrary memory accesses and typically would break the applications safety.
This qualifier should therefore never be disabled unless you are running code
in an environment where performance is essential and safety is irrelevant.
This qualifier is generally for debugging, it is set iff debugging is
this qualifier is specific for enabling checks at a given debug level, where
higher levels include more and more expensive checks.
This qualifier is for conditions that a pedantic purist would require, that
otherwise a more relaxed hacker would prefer to do without.
This is a qualifier for conditions that are generally not reasonable as
run-time checks, either because they are prohibitively expensive or even not
at all computable in this finite universe. These conditions may, however, be
very useful for formal analysis tools that do not execute the code but
perform techniques such as abstract interpretation or formal deduction to
reason about the code.
Run-time checks for pre- and post-conditions can be enabled or disabled for each
of these qualifiers. This gives a fine-grain control over the kind of checks
that are desired at run-time. Usually, one would always want to keep safety
checks enabled in a system that processed data provided from the outside to
avoid vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows. However, in a closed system
like a rocket controller, it might make sense to disable checks since a run-time
error would mean definite loss of the mission, while an unexpected intermediate
value may still result in a useful final result of a calculation.
==Fuzion IR==
Fuzion has very simple intermediate representation. The dominant instruction is
a feature call. The only control structure is a conditional (if) operation.
Loops are replaced by tail recursive feature calls, so there is no need in the
compiler or analysis tools to handle loops as long as (tail-) recursion is
The largest part of a compiler back-end consists of providing target-platform
specific implementations for all intrinsic features declared in the Fuzion
standard library.
==Fuzion Optimizer==
The Fuzion Optimizer modifies the intermediate representation of a Fuzion
application. In particular, it determines the life spans of values to decide if
they can be stack allocated or need to be heap allocated and it specializes
feature implementations for the actual argument types and the actual generic
arguments provided at each call.
This means that run-time overhead for heap allocation and garbage collection will
be avoided as much as possible, most values can be allocated on the run-time
stack. Additionally, run-time type information such as vtables will be required
only in very few cases where dynamic binding cannot be avoided. An example is a
data structure like a list of some reference type with elements of different
actual types that are stored in this list.
==Fuzion Back-Ends==
Fuzion currently has two back-ends: An interpreter written in Java running on
OpenJDK and a back-end creating C source code processed by gcc or clang. It is
planned to add further back-ends, in particular for LLVM and Java bytecode.
==Next Steps==
The Fuzion language definition and implementation is still in an early stage.
It is planned to publish a first version of the language and its implementation
at FOSDEM 2021. But a lot of work remains to be done, in particular, for Fuzion
to be successful, it will need
a powerful standard library
additional library modules for all sorts of application needs
powerful interfaces to other languages such as Java, C, Python, etc.
highly optimizing back-ends
IDE integration
documentation, tutorials
much more
Also, professional services around Fuzion will be required for acceptance
outside the open-source community. The Tokiwa SW GmbH currently leads the
development of Fuzion and plans to provide professional services as well.
Additional information