Sustainability & Climate Justice

Ecocide and (green) colonialism in Sápmi

Data centers on indigenous land in Northern Europe
What is Sápmi? And who are the Sami people? Why is their land threatened by the so-called Green Transition? Why is Europe's largest data centre being built on their land? We would like to try to answer these questions and explain in detail why "our green transition" is a threat to the land and rights of the Sami people. We will also discuss the so-called green server infrastructure in Sápmi for example the largest data centre in Europe (by Facebook). We are from the Decolonise Sápmi info tour through Germany and not Sámi ourselves. Our talk is based on presentations given by Sámi people during our tour.
Sápmi is located in northern Europe and refers to the land of the Sámi people. Over time it has been colonized by Sweden, Norway, Finland and Russia. As a result, the Sámi have been subjected to various forms of oppression and discrimination by these countries to this day. Sápmi and Sápmi’s colonial history are presented. Current forms of oppression are also addressed. An important role is played by “green capitalism,” a form of capitalism in which oppression is advanced under the guise of climate protection. Some examples include: Dams that disrupt reindeer migration routes and flood sacred Sámi sites, or wind turbines that are widely avoided by reindeer. Of course, the lectures will also address the problems that mines pose for the Sámi. A topic which was discussed lately with the discussion around the rare earths found in the so-called Sweden also here in Germany. Furthermore, the problems caused by the still occurring clear-cutting in the area of the Sámi and the resulting loss of biodiversity are explained. What resistance has there been in recent years against this capitalist destruction and (green) colonialism? What is the current situation in Sápmi and what does the future look like?

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Type lecture
Language German

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