
Civic Tech Meetup

Meetup Red
Geraldine de Bastion, Marie Gutbub, Willson Chivhanga, Alfred Andrew Kankuzi, Busayo Morakinyo, Ibijoke Faborode, Charles Muhindo, Lydia Matte, Courteney Mukoyi
How do people use digital communication channels, how do people use different technologies to shape democratic and civic processes and to get involved – by citizens for citizens or also in interaction with governments - Meet Civic Tech representatives from Africa and Europe at re:publica who will share insights from their work.
We live in a time of complex challenges that require ever more innovative solutions. At the same time, we are experiencing increasing social division and polarization on a national but also international level - e.g. on climate and migration issues. That is why we need solutions involving citizens in a democratic and participatory way. CivicTech is about making things better for the benefit of society and actively, so that collective/networked ways of thinking or social lifestyles can be changed in the long term. In this meetup we will bring together CiviTech initiatives from Africa and Europe to discuss how to support and scale each other's efforts.   

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Language English

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Jeffrey van der Geest, Julian Moreno Motta, Casper Westhausen
Location: Arena a.l.p.h.a is an interactive installation wherein an AI captures the visitors appearance, sending their data to the natural language model GPT-3 to generate a personalised poem. This work highlights the potential of using AI to subvert the dry nature of data collection as a means to create playful and interactive art.
Lisa Marleen Mantel & Laura Wagner
Location: Gather Town In this experimental short film, the AI protagonist utilizes the human body as a sensing device to gain an embodied understanding of its environment.
Darija Medic
Location: Gather Town Excavations: Governance Archaeology for the Future of the Internet is a collective research project and interdisciplinary discursive online exhibition exploring historical governance practices to inform the future of online communities and Internet co-creation, developed through a cohort of 10 international art projects.
Elena Falomo
Home Base
Location: rp Home Base Fight for the Net is a card game that wants to spark a conversation around the strategies to counteract the spread of misinformation and disinformation online. We invite the festival's public to join us to play the game and discuss the current state of public discourse online. Let’s fight for the net!
Florian Greth, Thomas Kühn, Nora Hieronymus, Mareike Baumheuer, Rosanna Oehme, Johannes May, Paul Henri Baule
Location:Festsaal Kreuzberg Aus Elektroschrott und altem Spielzeug basteln wir mit euch ungewöhnliche Schnittstellen zwischen Mensch und Maschine. Wir erschaffen Gamecontroller, die die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat.Am Mitmach-Stand der Kreativwerkstatt Tinkertank dürft ihr erfinden, experimentieren und verrückten Ideen Wirklichkeit werden lassen.
Ariane Krause, Corinna Schröder, Maxie Klein, Wiebke Schußmann, Lea Drimus, Jolanthe Stelzer, Sabrina Irma Rau Finizio GmbH, Gerhild Bornemann, Carla Heieck - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Ilse Holbeck, Diana Heiser, Amelie Türling, Tanja Wente, Carsten Beneker, Frederik Gottemeyer, Georgia Chaniotaki , Mareike Mauerer, Thorsten Rocksch, Hanna Paulke
Location: Arena & Outdoor Würdest du Tomaten essen, die mit Nährstoffen, recycelt aus menschlichem Urin, gedüngt wurden? Was unser tägliches Geschäft mit einer ziemlich guten Idee zu tun hat kannst du auf dem Loo:topia KloMarkt erfahren.
Salih Mahmod
Location: Makerspace Products from Dhay antiques Startup project in Mosul developed in Mosul Space programs will be presented, bells produced to UNSCO for revive Mosul spirt project that aim to rebuild heritage sites in city and small mockett for small part of the old city to be used for studying the city.